When participating in a WEPAL-QUASIMEME proficiency test programme, you may receive three types of reports during the annual cycle.
- The individual evaluating report of your performance (Z-scores) in a round of a proficiency test programme presented as .pdf and as .csv file, that can be imported directly into your quality system
- A periodic report with the testing results of all participating laboratories in a certain round
- An annual report summarizing the overall testing results of the proficiency test programmes from WEPAL on soil, plant, freshwater sediment, biomass and manure & compost.
The results of your determinations are processed at WEPAL-QUASIMEME and published under confidential code names.
The WEPAL-QUASIMEME reports contain:
- all individual data with information about the method used (MIC)
- a statistical evaluation
- for QUASIMEME a table with ranked performance
- a summary of the results for each sample
- z'-score plots based on consensus values per determinand/matrix combination using robust statistics showing the deviation from the reference value (see graph).
- other graphical information (ranked results and histograms)
Click here to get a glimpse of what to expect in a report.

Method Indicating Code (MIC)
WEPAL-QUASIMEME provides all reported results with a Method Indicating Code (MIC). The code indicates the critical steps in the procedure of analysis that can affect the results. This offers all participants the possibility to compare the results of their analytical procedures more specifically with the results of other participants.